Don’t believe me. I am not telling the truth.


“DON’T BELIEVE ME. I AM NOT TELLING THE TRUTH.”, I told someone this morning.
“Actually I never tell the truth. Simply because I don’t know what the truth is. And that’s why I don’t even claim to know the truth.

All I have is a bunch of opinions. Opinions about you, opinions about my friends, my relatives, about the government.. And it’s okay to have opinions, but opinions are not the truth. Opinions are like dark glasses. They’re cool but you’re not seeing the real thing.

In fact opinions are the lowest form of human knowledge. They require no accountability, no understanding. “He’s a good for nothing friend.”, “She’s an insensitive sister.” I can say just about anything about anybody if I want to. Opinions are cheap.

Empathy is expensive. To discard your opinions and understand what someone else is dealing with takes effort. To shift your focus from a person’s behaviour to understanding the REASON for their behaviour is hard work.

Not everybody wants to do the hard work. It’s easier and more convenient to throw opinions around and insist that your opinions are actually the truth.
Do YOU want to do the hard work? That hard work will shift you from average to great, from ordinary to extraordinary.
If yes, I will coach you. If no, do not waste your money and my time.”

P.S. I say this at least once every day to someone or the other and STILL I sometimes screw up in my personal life. So I understand how difficult it is to practice giving up the habit of having opinions and being sensitive to human beings around you.

And if you have opinions about ME, especially negative ones and you think they’re absolutely true, you’re completely right, I totally understand and I still love you!

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