An off-track couple!


As a couple Seema and me are OFF TRACK 90% of the time. The key is that we have a sense of destination. We know what the ‘track’ looks like. And we keep coming back to it time and time again.

It’s like the flight of an airplane. Before the flight takes off, the pilots have a flight plan. They know exactly where they’re going and start off in accordance with their plan.
But during the course of the flight, wind, rain, turbulence, air traffic, human error and other factors act upon that plane. They move it slightly in different directions so that MOST OF THE TIME the flight is not even on the prescribed flight path!

But with a CLEAR VISION of the destination and a GUIDING COMPASS the pilots eventually make sure that the plane arrives at the destination.

Although Seema and me are individually nowhere close to being perfect, the VISION we have and the GUIDING COMPASS we follow (on what’s acceptable and what’s not, what works and what doesn’t), make sure we get back on track as a family..
.. despite being OFF TRACK …90% of the time!

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