Want to become a Life Coach?


I’ve heard this so many times in the last few years, “Even I can become a Life Coach. After all it’s all about giving gyan to people.”

Let me tell you, yes, ANYBODY can become a Life Coach provided you are willing to put in the effort.

1) You have to experience life. You have to go through extended periods of happiness and sadness, ecstasy and disappointment, acceptance and rejection, anger and peace, success and failure.

2) You need to develop the ability and the mindfulness to turn every life event into a life lesson.

3) You need to have an unwavering commitment to make a difference to people’s lives. Easy money sitting at home should NOT be your goal. You may end up coaching 4 to 6 hours a day, but as a Coach you will be working as long as you are awake. You have to constantly learn and evolve. Every day you have to become a better/ more powerful human being than who you were earlier.

4) You have to be open to failure. You have to be curious about life and experiment with it. You have to let go of shame and put your izzat at stake. You have to try new ways to live life and discover the principles of life.

5) Most importantly, you have to be committed to loving people unconditionally. Otherwise you have no business being a Life Coach.

You cannot learn life coaching just by doing a coaching certification or by reading a few dozen books on life.

We are a country of 1.3 billion people (and 1.3 million doctors). But there aren’t too many coaches and even fewer who are seriously committed.

PLEASE BECOME ONE. I started when there was almost nobody and in 8 years I’ve already crossed 5000 hours of coaching. And I feel tired at times. I may not be able to go on and on. I’ll be happy to share my secrets and my experience with you.

If you are interested in becoming a Life Coach, strap on your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life. Get ready to pay a price for it. That may include a journey to hell and back. Multiple times!

Your clients will love you for it. Because one day they will realize that you took that journey so that they didn’t have to take it themselves.

Lots of love and respect to you.

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