Shark Tales

For the last 6 months I’ve been coaching a young businessman who goes scuba diving with sharks every year. He has no fear of sharks because he knows sharks don’t like to eat people (and that’s simply because they don’t like the way we taste!) Studies show they respond strongly to the smell of seals and fish, but not humans.

A LESSON here: Fear is a function of knowledge. Or the lack of it! When we don’t have enough knowledge all we rely on is the voice in our head. And we believe it to be true. That voice in the head is nothing but chatter… noise.. GIBBERISH!

ACTION POINT: Next time you feel fear,
1) Ask yourself, “What do I NOT KNOW that I can find out?”
2) Tell yourself, “This fear is not real. It’s just a CHATTER in my head. It’s just my brain talking to me as it tries to understand the world around me.”

DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to motivate you to go jump into the ocean and swim with sharks. If you still choose to do that without researching shark behaviour and out of sheer curiosity (or your fishy movements), a shark comes and nibbles at your legs (which it seems they love doing) THEN I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE OUTCOME.. 😂😂😂

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