Random Monday morning ramblings


Just to clear my head and to remind myself how I am choosing to live my life, I’m going to write 10 life fundas and as soon as I finish I’m going to hit the POST button:

1) I am on this planet to learn lessons. Every person in my life is a teacher, especially those I find difficult to deal with. I am not a victim of life, I am a student of life. If I want people to be the way I want them to be, I should have chosen a different planet.

2) When somebody does something ‘wrong’ to me, it is not my job to teach them a lesson. That job I leave to the Universe. I have better things to do in life.

3) In any case, what I consider ‘wrong’ is actually ‘right’ for someone else. I can keep debating on who’s right and who’s wrong till the cows come home but still not manage to convince the other person. So I give up boxing up everything as right or wrong. It’s just a smarter way of living life.

4) Considering ‘happiness’ to be a goal is the most ridiculous thing I can do in life. I am already happy. I went to bed last night and woke up in one piece this morning, alive and kicking and that’s a damn good reason to be happy.

5) I am not Superman and I don’t care about being one. I screw up a lot. And I learn every time I screw up. The ability to screw up is what makes me human.

6) Because I am not Superman, I’m not going to pretend to be one in the eyes of others. At the same time I’m not going to run myself down. I am cool with whoever and whatever I am.

7) After 50 monsoons on this planet I have learnt that there is nothing more important in life than relationships. God sent us all here to learn to love each other… especially the idiots we don’t like. Once I graduate from this love lesson in this life, I’ll probably be born as a dog in my next life, coz dogs don’t need the love lesson, they have mastered it already (that’s probably why stray dogs lick me so much).

8)I will do what I say and I will only say what I intend to do. Even when I have amnesia.

9) I did not come from God, I came from my parents. My parents are my source, and my source of power. And they are as imperfect as me. And I chose to get born from them, so I’m not going to blame them for anything.

10) None of what I’ve written here is TRUE or RIGHT. I mean, how does it matter anyway. All that matters is that my life works the way I want it to work.

Have a great week folks!

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