“Am much more calm and contended at work now.”

Raj Kumar (name changed on request)- Senior Management professional, New Delhi.

“Dear Milind Sir, your contribution has been immense and you have added much more value, self belief and confidence in me than what I could put in words here.

Before getting coached by you, I was frustrated with work pressure, competition and felt that my supervisor doesn’t like me. I used to have an inferiority complex and fear of losing my job, not having financial security etc. This led to loss of confidence, heated discussions and gaps in relationship building.

Today after several months of your coaching, I am still working at the same organization but I am much more calm, contended and at peace. Much of my fear, anxiety, and negative stories have gone away.

There were a lot of concepts and perspectives shared by you and all of them have helped me. I used to keep a list of things which were bothering me and looked forward to our sessions every weekend. After each session I used to feel very relaxed as if some weight had been removed from my chest and felt enlightened.

I used to assume and think of worst case scenarios. Now I know even if something bad happens to me then it’s not the end of the road. Like you said, we will cross the bridge when we come to it.

I used to feel I am right and others are wrong when interacting with people, now I know that my perspective is not reality and it’s not about right and wrong. After sharing my opinion at times I openly say that I could be wrong. I have learnt to take 100% responsibility of everything.

I know I can’t make everyone happy hence I am more comfortable when people are not happy with me. I am more comfortable people judging me. I have also been able to cut down on looking good in front of people.

I am now more at peace, joyful, full of life and am a better person. I am much more authentic without being rude. However I am still work in progress and feel have not arrived yet. Thanks for helping me when I needed you the most.”

About Milind Jadhav

Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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