“I have let go of my negative self-talk.”

Maya Iyer – Musician, Mumbai.

“I was barely trying to live life in between frequent nervous breakdowns as I was diagnosed with chronic depression in February 2018. Every day was an ordeal to pass and I felt detached from myself and my life. I blamed the world around me, my family and everyone possible for the miserable feeling in me.

Little did I know, that the answer to my restlessness was within me. Little did I know that circumstances don’t necessarily need to decide how you feel about yourself and your life. Little did I know, that a random search on the internet would reveal to me a simpler, more empowering way of living life through this amazing man, I am proud to call My Coach.

To everyone out there who is trying to ape some pattern of life that seems certified, to everyone who is restlessly chasing a dream, to everyone who is tired of constantly feeling inadequate, your life can change right now.

At first, I was desperate to get the right perspective in my life and to know if the narratives of my past and prefixed notions about my future were valid. It is that desperation to rid myself of the miserable pattern of deriving happiness based on other people’s reactions and external outcomes, that helped me be absolutely receptive to Milind Sir’s teachings.

Gradually, through every session, my perspective of my own life began to change. Each lesson was mind-blowingly (if there is a word) empowering. Today, after 6 months of his coaching, all I have in my heart towards my life is “gratitude”.

I am still “Work in Progress”. But I have let go of the need to look and be perfect. I have let go of my negative self talk that constantly drained me. I have become more accepting of myself and people around me. I am a happier person and more giving towards others. The journey will continue, but now I know, no matter what happens, I WILL LIVE A LIFE OF POWER.”

About Milind Jadhav

Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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