How I feel when my clients leave me


TODAY.. after her 7th session with me, a client who had signed up for 10 sessions, decided to STOP taking coaching from me.

“Milind, in the last 6 sessions itself I got what I wanted. I got clarity on my thinking. On what the next steps on my career should be. I’m no longer thinking of 10 things at the same time. I’ve made peace with my job and I know what my future ought to be.”

You know it reminded me of one thing. As a Life Coach I am happiest when my clients become so powerful, they DON’T NEED ME anymore. Sometimes I coach a client for months or years together.. the client shares secrets with me he/ she doesn’t dare share with anyone else. And gives me permission to say things nobody would dare say to him/ her.

And one day their life starts working so beautifully that they LEAVE ME. I’m almost always heartbroken but the breakup is part of the reward! And in 8 years I’ve had more than 250 heartbreaks!

But I tell every client who leaves me. “Wherever I am, a piece of your heart will always be with me. Wherever I go, you go with me.
And better still, wherever you are, a piece of my heart will always be with you. When you leave, I leave with you.”

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