Happy Womens Day!

womens day

My message to all the wonderful women in my life..

🌹 In whatever role you are doing in life – a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law… you are doing your best. Sometimes people may tell you otherwise. Sometimes you yourself may feel otherwise. Ignore such people (me included). Ignore the negative chatter in your head. I thank you for doing your best.

🌹 More than 55% of my coachees over the last decade have been women. Thanks to my profession I get a deep insight into the kind of lives you live. It is not easy what you deal with. I cannot even imagine putting myself into your shoes. I’ll trip and fall down if I do that. How do you manage it all? How do you stay motivated? Words cannot describe how amazing you are.

🌹 Please don’t try and be equal with men. Men are wonderful creatures and amazing in their own way but you are a breed apart. You are so extraordinary you don’t need to compare yourself with the opposite sex. I also do some wonderful things in life (thank you) but the day I start washing my own underwear and complete 176 tasks before breakfast I will consider myself somewhat equal to you.

🌹 You are awesome but you are not perfect. Don’t even try and be perfect. You were born not to be perfect but to be human. I know every day you struggle to figure out life. You make mistakes. Every day you learn from them and tell yourself.. let’s see, “there’s a better way to do parenting or here’s how I can handle my mother-in-law better.” Every day you explore what it means to be a human being and to be a woman. Keep exploring. Your beauty is in your imperfections. Your smile is all the makeup you need. I love you for who you are and who you are not.

🌹 Like all other men, every day I also try and figure out life. Please be patient with me. I often screw up in dealing with you. At times I hurt you. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I am truly sorry. Please do not hesitate to tell me where I go wrong. I am open to learning how to create a more meaningful relationship with you.

Every Women’s Day I ask myself – have I become a better man today compared to a year back?

A BIG THANK YOU and a BIGGER HUG for being in my life.

Lots of love and respect.

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