The Chinese Bamboo Tree

chineseThere is something profound we can learn from the way the Chinese bamboo tree grows:

You take a little seed, plant it, water it, and fertilize it for a whole year, and nothing happens other than a tiny shoot, poking its head up from the ground.

The second year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens.

The third year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. Makes you wonder if it is even in the ground.

The fifth year you continue to water and fertilize the seed and then sometime during the fifth year, the Chinese bamboo tree explodes and shoots up to ninety feet tall in just six short weeks!

Life is almost like the growing process of the Chinese bamboo tree.

Here are some key lessons:
When we keep putting in effort but don’t see results, many of us are so discouraged that we give up. But for those who do things right, are not discouraged and are persistent, continuously moving forward, things will happen. The two most important ingredients for success are Persistence and Talent. In that order!

In reality, the incredible growth of the Chinese bamboo tree does not happen in six weeks. Throughout the previous four years, the actual growth is happening underground, where an incredibly complex root system is established interwoven outward and upward across vast amounts of land. Similarly before we can see outwardly success, we need to grow stronger from within. In terms of knowledge, attitude and skills.

Just because they do not see the Chinese Bamboo tree growing, the growers do not stop watering and nurturing it. They have faith that the tree will grow. It is a law of nature. You reap what you sow. It is a matter of time. The laws of the Universe never fail.

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