5 ways to stay focused at work

focusNeed to concentrate on creating something significant? Need focus? Staying focused in itself is a big achievement today especially with the information overload and the multitude of distractions that surround us. When you’re focused, the results are amazing. You don’t just get more done, you get it done better. Here are 5 ways you can get that laser focus back into your work.

1) Turn off notifications: Undoubtedly, this is the single biggest habit that can reduce interruptions while you work. Think about the notifications you get everyday. SMS, Email, Whatsapp, Blackberry Messenger, Facebook.. the list is endless. Reaching out for the smartphone or the computer every time there’s a beep has become an obsession these days. Turn the notifications off. See if you can survive without technology intrusion. You’ll be surprised!

2) Keep your desk and your desktop organized: A lot of time is wasted in searching for ‘stuff’ – physical and digital. The trick to finding things easily is to file them properly in the first place. Just 10 minutes at the end of the day, filing papers in their correct places and digital files in their appropriate folders will ensure you will have an uncluttered workspace when you start your day the next morning. No distractions mean more focus.

3) 10 minutes of break for 90 minutes of work: I call it the 90/10/100 rule. 90 minutes work, 10 minutes break for 100% efficiency. Often we are so stressed by the task at hand that we keep going at it relentlessly for hours at end without realizing how much productivity loss is happening because of dropping energy levels. Treat the break like a necessary pit-stop, to recover and refuel. Imagine what would happen to an F1 car that skipped pit stops! Use the 10 minute pit-stop to take a walk around the office, drink some water, stretch your arms, grab some fresh air..

4) Hourly Centering: At the stroke of every hour ask yourself, “What am I doing right now? Is this what I should be doing? Have I strayed from what I started doing? Why am I doing this? How do I feel right now?” Just a few quick questions will get you back on track if you’ve strayed. Did you know that even giant aircrafts stray from their flight path 90% of the time and that it’s considered normal? The pilot’s job is to get it back on the flight path whenever the deviation is beyond acceptable limits. The same holds good for us too. Catch yourself before you drift too far.

5) Get lost: If your workplace is full of attention-seeking people, and you need to work on an important project, move to another part of the office where you won’t be disturbed. And make sure nobody knows where you are. Switch off your cellphone. Let your boss sweat it out looking for you. I know a friend who routinely locks himself in an unused room in his office whenever he’s working on a important presentation. Your office’s cafeteria may be a good place to find some solitude during working hours!

Make it a habit to stay focused and you will develop focus-stamina; the ability to stay focused naturally. Develop that stamina and see your productivity skyrocket!

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